Sunday, March 4, 2012

Season is starting to come to an end in Venice Florida

The weather was fantastic today. Down in the high 60's tonight and most of the day was in the 70's with blue skies. This is the time of season. when some people head back. Season is almost officially over by Easter. It is like the mark of the end of season for a lot of snowbirds on the Gulf Coast. More and more people are wanting to move here full time. I heard a lot of that this season. It's not usually the case. Most seasons they just plan to buy and do half and half. I am not sure what it means but it's always no surprise when people finally realize living in this area full time is a no brainer. Yeah the summers are warm but last year it was hotter up north. I remember seeing the news last year and people in NY and New Jersey were in the 90's and we would be in the 80's. The pace of life is what is the most appealing I think. It is so easy to live here. We dont shovel driveways unless we are building one. Let me know if you are looking for a home. I'll be happy to help.

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