Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bye Bye Celebrities, Hello Popularities

 This is my first blog so bare with me. I have no idea what I am doing yet. I think I'm pretty interesting, but then again I think most people feel that way. Think about this next generation of kids growing up. I love facebook but I am raising a teenager. It takes peer pressure to a whole different level. It takes parenting to a whole different level. But, back to my point, I know we are self centered enough as human beings. Now we spend some of our time posting about it. I heard recently in a study that kids are staying immature for long periods of time as they develop because social media prolongs that period in their upbringing that they ask themselves "who am I?" and / or "who do I want to be?" It makes sense. It can change from day to day. Now they are not choosing from just the people or kids around them at home, in clubs, at church, or in schools. Now they are valuing the opinions of hundreds, if not thousands, of people they allowed on to their friend list just to have a bigger friend list. My generation suffered a little of the same thing with TV being the babysitter. But the difference was in the back of our minds we knew or were reminded by others , this is not real. We could always fall back on knowing the responsibility was ours, because we were real. With social media it does not work that way. It looks and feels very real. It's interactive. How often do we remind our selves , " they know they are posting that". It's not like I can know for sure what they are thinking. I just know for sure what they want me to believe they are thinking.

With that all aside.......I love it! Of course I do and so do you. Youtube is going to be the next HUGE social media I believe. I love video production and I love the fact people can qualify for more time. It wont be long before we are choosing movies....full length movies by popularity counts on youtube. The days of celebrities and hollywood will eventually go away. They wont be able to compete with the masses. So that is why in the end social media and youtube are worth every bit of damage they are causing in our current generation of kids. Because in the end, there will no longer be faces that are chosen for us to follow; they will be faces, and lives, and morals, we choose to follow. Our kids are just the social casualties of a better world.

By the way I sell real estate in Venice, Florida. That's why I started blogging. To get more hits on my website.
my website is a free real estate search engine for listed properties. It's simple and straight forward.

Search Sarasota and Venice Real Estate

Thanks for reading

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