Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How to drive a car in Sarasota County

The first thing you will notice when driving down any road in Sarasota County, in this time of year, is the different license plates all over the road. Sometimes I wonder how some of those cars made it that far. None the less, driving on these roads is very simple and will be a lot more pleasant for all of us if you just follow a few suggestions. Always be checking the rear view mirror. People aren’t paying attention to the road. They are looking at and taking pictures of the palm trees.Sterotype drivers all the time. You can kind of tell what to expect from a driver by where they are from. If you are offended by this idea, get over it, it's true. New Jersey drivers are going to be aggressive. People from Iowa are going to be very passive. Neither of these is less safe than the other but the two styles on the road together can be challenging. Don’t blow your horn at elderly drivers. You will just make it worse. Give them a break and the rest of us. We are all going to get older and you proving you are tougher than them is never going to help us get anywhere.Dont try and convince everyone in the left lane they should be in the right. It is obvious to me after living in Florida all my life that the idea that left lane is for passing traffic is not followed in other parts of the country. Expect traffic back up along the beaches. If you don’t like backups don’t go to the beach on beautiful sunny days. Don’t cross lanes to make a turn you forget about? Just simply go up one more intersection and turn around. On that same note if you see an elderly driver doing this, please simply slow down and be understanding that every minute counts to them. Again, do not blow your horn for long periods of time calling people names. This is not good for you and whether you believe it or not we need visitors down here. We want people to like to come down here. You get to live in heaven year round. You will have plenty of time in the summer to not get upset at northern drivers. In a nut shell practice being passively aggressive. Be cautious but don’t follow the herd. There is no herd. It just looks that way. Drive Safe. If you are looking for a home check out the best property search website in Sarasota County. 

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