Monday, March 26, 2012

Interesting People are everywhere in Venice Fl

I could tell you dozens of stories about people I have met living in Florida. It is one of the things I love about living here. I met a gentleman one time in Ft. Myers that as a boy played outside Thomas Edison's lab and Mrs. Edison gave him cookies. Today I was at the dog park and met a gentleman who was working in the missile silos during the Cuban missile crisis. It was a great story and you could tell it was a life changing experience. He explained how they were just waiting for the missiles to launch. He said "most people think that you are waiting on a signal or something. It's not like that, you are waiting for lack of signal. There is a constant sound coming from the command center. If it stops. We were suppose to launch." He went on to tell me he had top level clearance and that while he was waiting a team came in to reprogram the missiles for another location , Havannah. He said "they used cardboard cards to program them back then." It was a great story and a reminder of how fortunate I am to live here. It is not uncommon to come across people with stories relevant to history. Just last year the daughter of the real "James bond" the books were written about had an article in the paper here. She owns a ranch on the outside of town.

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