Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sarasota Florida Vs Naples Florida

Let me start off by saying that more than any other reason Sarasota is a better choice is the water. Sarasota’s intercostal waters are hands down more beautiful. My best friend of 40 years Chris came to visit me recently. He had never been to Sarasota and we grew up together in Naples until we were in our 20’s. His family owned the largest Marina in Naples so we spent a lot of time on the water. The first thing he said was …..”Wow …the water here is so much clearer than Naples and has a turquoise tinged to it like the islands” He went on and on and I have to say I was right there with him. The intercostal water way in Naples does not have a flow to it. It has a dead end so it goes out and comes back in with the tide. The water is dark and murky. Marco gets a little better but still not like Sarasota. The culture Sarasota offers is far superior. The roads are laid out much better to handle traffic in the season.  Most of the people are so much nicer and down to earth. Naples has arrogance about it. It didn’t use to be like that. It’s like a town full of “New Money”. Everyone is always trying to “out do” the other. Status is very important.  People aren’t like that here in Sarasota. Frankly I think we think it’s so “80’s” I don’t know if it is because of the Art culture or what but no one cares. They are more interested in what they can learn from you as a person than what car you drive. And we all know we drive some nice cars in Sarasota. I am so glad I made the decision to move here 20 years ago. Naples is still a nice place to visit but if you want a place to call home or second home Sarasota is it.

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